
Your teacher will likely require you to follow a style guide– a document which gives you rules for the overall formatting of your document, as well as rules for creating citations in your document. There are several major associations that have created style guides. The two you will most likely use are Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Psychological Association (APA). Here are resources to help you with each. I will also include brief information about Chicago Style, though it is unlikely you will use this in high school.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

MLA Formatting— for your overall paper, and your Works Cited pages

MLA Parenthetical (In-text) citations— cite your sources in your paragraphs

MLA Works Cited— how to create a complete list of the resources cited in your paper

Purdue OWL– Purdue University’s great online MLA help site

American Psychological Association (APA)

APA Parenthetical (in-text) citations– cite your sources in your paragraphs

APA Reference Page– how to create a complete list of resources cited in your paper

Purdue OWL– Purdue University’s great online APA help site

Chicago Style